Dog first watercolor years - made 20230424

Drawings from back in April, sitting on the floor beside my dog as he napped. Swipe for process/progress photos.

You’ll notice the palette is brand new here. I hadn’t painted in really long time, so didn’t even have supplies when I wanted to paint again. Anyway, these tiny little 2-inch-square experiments were encouraging. I’d been recently inspired by some neat color theory talks (link below) and they reminded me how fun mixing colors was when I oil painted as a teenager. Since this session I’ve been painting in my sketchbook a lot. I still have to convince myself to play with color for some reason, but it always yields something fun even if not what I intend. Also I learned later that some inspiring works are actually gouache, which helps explain how they get a layering effect I miss from oils. Needless to say, my art-supply experiments have been all of the place this summer.

Also my dog is my favorite person. Please enjoy my dog.

Drawn 2023-04-24 in pen & ink and watercolor.

#fromlife #inkdrawing #fountainpen #watercolor #dog #dognap #mydogisclearlythegoodestboy

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